Frequently Asked Questions
I'm not in Mendoza. Can I still join?
Yes! SIBC encourages all students, regardless of college or major, to join. Diverse backgrounds allow our members to bring unique insights, experiences, and perspectives, which benefit the projects and the organization tremendously.
How challenging is the work and what time commitment should I expect?
We have a wide range of projects in each division that demand different levels of skill and experience. We encourage you to reach out to the division directors or other experienced members, who can point you to appropriate projects. You can expect to spend anywhere from 1 to 2 hours per week on a traditional project.
Does it cost money to join?​
Yes – as a student organization, we are required to collect dues from members who participate in our sponsored activities. Each semester, we ask students to contribute $25, which assist with travel-related expenses.
When traveling to cities outside of Chicago, we ask for an additional contribution to compensate for higher costs on our end:
Single-day projects: $TBD
Overnight projects: $TBD
Can I participate in multiple projects?​
Members are able to participate in one project per division with a maximum of two projects total.
Application-based projects include...
Finance: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, PJT Partners, and Perella Weinberg Partners
Consulting: McKinsey & Co., BCG, Bain & Co., and Booz Allen Hamilton
When do projects travel?
Projects traditionally travel on one of the three Fridays preceding major academic breaks, with the exception of Easter and Thanksgiving weekends. This, however, changes semester-to-semester and project-to-project, so please feel free to ask project leaders or division directors if you are worried about conflicts.
What is the travel schedule?​
When​ traveling to Chicago, students should expect to meet at the Bookstore at 8:00 am ET. The buses will depart Chicago from a location near Millennium Park at 3:00 or 3:30 pm CT. Again, this schedule can change depending on the project, so please watch for updates from your leaders and division directors.
When traveling to cities outside of Chicago, the schedule is individualized to fit the needs of the contacts.
Does SIBC reimburse travel expenses?​
We reimburse the following expenses:
Ubers outside of Chicago up to $100 per group
Freeway tolls between South Bend and Chicago
Parking expenses at airports, when approved
We will not reimburse the following expenses:
Fees to print materials for final presentations
Ubers associated with travel to Chicago
Fines for toll violations​
What is the dress code for presentations?
Attire for travel presentations is business formal. This dress code enhances the professional image of SIBC, as well as your personal brand.
A conflict just arose and I can no longer travel. What should I do?
Please notify our faculty advisor, Monica Laidig, and the relevant division director(s) immediately, as we need to cancel your travel to avoid problems for the rest of your team. If the cause is unavoidable (e.g. an interview with a prospective employer or a family emergency), we will not seek any repayment for cancellation fees. If you could have avoided the conflict, we will ask you to recompense any cancellation fees minus travel dues.